
Otter Removal And Control

Otters are enchanting creatures when observed from a distance, frolicking and diving with an agility that leaves many in awe. It's easy to forget, however, that these playful animals can also become a real nuisance when they get too close to home or commercial properties. Let's set the record straight on otters, focusing on their potential to cause problems and how to take control when they do.

They belong to a family of semi-aquatic mammals known as Mustelidae, which also includes weasels and badgers. The most common found around Central Illinois is the North American River Otter. They're sleek, web-footed creatures, and while they might seem small, a mature otter can measure up to 5 feet in length and weigh up to 30 pounds. This size and strength can make them a formidable foe when they decide to stake a claim on your property.  

While otters can thrive in various environments, they favor water bodies like rivers, marshes, and lakes where they find a plentiful food supply. This brings them often into conflict with property owners, especially those near water bodies.

One of the significant issues they can cause is property damage. Despite their endearing appearance, otters are industrious creatures with sharp claws and teeth, which they can use to destroy docks, boats, fishing gear, and even parts of your house if they get too close. This kind of destruction can cost thousands of dollars in repair and replacements. Furthermore, otters are known to deplete fish populations drastically. They're skilled hunters with a diet predominantly composed of fish, and they can eat up to 25% of their body weight in a day. For property owners who maintain fishponds or rely on local fish populations, this can lead to substantial economic losses.  

An issue not commonly known is the potential health risks they can pose. They can be carriers of diseases like rabies and distemper, and their droppings may contain harmful parasites. This risk amplifies if you have pets, as these diseases and parasites can easily be transmitted.

When you trust CatchIt Wildlife Control to handle your otter issue, we conduct a thorough property inspection to identify their habits and patterns. Post removal, we also provide property proofing services to deter future invasions. This can include building and installing barriers and offering advice on how to make your property less attractive.

Our experienced team is ready to provide the help you need. For any otter-related issue, don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to restore peace to your property.

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